Handmade Air Geiger Counter

Conversion from CPM to uSv/h

The rough conversion method from cpm to dose-of-radiation[uSv/h] is shown.
It is based on a background.
As for the background in Japan, the following things are known in general.
Outdoors0.04(0.01 - 0.08)[uSv/h]
Indoor0.06(0.02 - 0.12)[uSv/h]
On the sea0.006[uSv/h]
Altitude 10,000m5[uSv/h]
For example, when an indoor background is measured with 10cpm(s), it is equivalent to 0.06 uSv/h.
When 70cpm(s) are measured in this state, it can convert with 70 x 0.06 / 10 = 0.42 uSv/h.
(C)2004-2006 All rights reserved by Y.Onodera. inserted by FC2 system